1 cup frozen #watermelon pieces
8 oz of your favorite rosé
Blend till smooth and pour into your favorite wine glass.
Click HERE for video!
Watermelon Frozé (serves 2)
Ingredients: 1 cup frozen #watermelon pieces 8 oz of your favorite rosé Instructions: Blend till smooth and pour into your favorite wine glass. Click HERE for video!
A Valentine's Day Table for Your Dearly Beloveds This is a fun and chic way to decorate your tabletop for a colorful and interesting Valentine's Day Affair. It is easy to make and you will enjoy every step. Make a love statement. Say it with papier-mâché letters ($4 each, Joann) découpaged in pretty paper (Pacon Spectra, $10.89 for 100 sheets, Trace the letters onto your paper and cut them out. Use a print for the edges and a solid red for the front and back. Stick the paper shapes onto your letters using a foam brush and a few top coats of Mod Podge ($4.12 for 8 oz., Hit the grocery aisles for a festive, budget-friendly centerpiece! You'll need two vases, one that’s clear and big enough to hold the smaller vase. Fill the smaller one with water and a bunch of light and dark pink carnations, and place inside the larger vase. Fill up the space between the vases with red pistachios Surprise your loved ones with simple valentines wrapped around their dinner napkins. Cut out hearts from colored paper, then use rubber stamps and ink pads from Michaels to stamp on a few cute images with greetings to match. Here, we paired a cup of joe with "I like you a latte." Punch a hole in the top of each heart, thread with ribbon and tie around napkins. A 12-inch lace paper doily (craft or grocery stores) slipped under everyone's plate makes for a sweet place mat Use delicate laser-cut filigree cupcake wrappers ($13 for 12, to pretty up after-dinner treats like colorful chocolate candies
Alarm Clocks are a great way to decorate for New Year’s Eve. Spread them throughout the main gathering areas and set them all to go off at midnight. Tons of metallic and white helium balloons through the space, with silver string make for an festive, easy and cost-effective over the top party ambiance.
New York Cocktail
Instructions: Fill a shaker with 1 cup ice and add rye, lime juice, sugar, and grenadine. Cover and shake until well chilled, 10–15 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with orange peel. MAKES 1 COCKTAIL - CHEERS!! Recipe courtesy of Saveur Image credits Armond Viggo Make elegant and simple Christmas centerpiece decorations and place setting with your own tableware and leftover Christmas decorations.
You can copy what you see here, BUT I highly recommend that you explore with whatever glassware and tableware you have and accentuate with LED tea lights and high sparkle or high gloss Christmas ornaments ..... I prefer a monotone theme in either silver or gold, but you can mix the colors to your decor style, as long you keep them all in complement to each other. Happy Celebrating! October 28th is Global Champagne Day, when champagne enthusiasts all over the world gather together in ‘virtual appreciation’ of everything champagne. In honor of this most joyous occasion I encourage you to have a gathering to celebrate. Here is a fabulous classic champagne based cocktail recipe to help you along!!! You can incorporate a speak easy feeling and make a complete themed event out of it!! CHEERS! French 75Ingredients: Pinch sugarDash sweet and sour mix 3⁄4 oz. dry gin 3⁄4 oz. French brandy (not cognac) Club soda 2 oz. champagne Slice of lemon Instructions:
MAKES 1 COCKTAIL Recipe courtesy of Saveur |
March 2021